Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rubik Mania

There was a time when I think that people playing
with Rubik's cube are geeks and nerds.
I have never imagine that one day I will fall madly in love with the Rubik.
It is a fun and mind challenging game to play...
its like solving a difficult math question.
You will keep on trying till you solve it..^^

Pretty cube isn't it.
You'll get pretty excited solving this...
A 5 by 5 cube...tough one
Collection of cubes


Elaine said...

good luck with that. I know you enjoy it.

Sherryn said...

Thanks...Its enjoying solving the cube but I haven try the 5 by 5 cube yet...

Mynn said...

My cube now sort of rotting. No time d. :-(
PS/ Luckily Junior's safe!

Sherryn said...

haha...apalah u